Menu of Services

Editorial Assessment

This service is designed to identify which areas of a manuscript are working and which need work. You will receive an assessment letter with both positive and negative examples cited from the work. The assessment will address both form and content.


This service is for manuscripts that are very close to being ready for publication. I will carefully polish your prose, correcting errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. In addition, I will attend to details such as number styling, hyphenation, and italicization, according to a style that meets industry standards. You will receive an electronic manuscript with tracked changes.

Line Editing

This service is for those who wish to clean up the writing mechanics of their manuscripts. I will focus on clarity of sentences, believability of dialogue, and if the vocabulary is appropriate for the age group. This service is designed to make your manuscript flow cleanly. You will receive an electronic manuscript with tracked changes and comments.

Developmental Editing

This service is for those writers who truly want a "tutor" to help improve their writing at all levels. It includes suggestions for how to improve plot, point of view, character development, and dialogue. You will receive a manuscript with electronic comments. You will also receive a letter citing the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript as well as suggestions on how to improve the weaker areas. After you receive your manuscript, you have the option to schedule a phone call during which I can answer any questions you may have and discuss strategies to improve the book.

In addition to the suggested services above, I am happy to devise a plan specially suited to your needs.